Launching Ceremony of Kota Kinabalu High School Vanilla Farm In Conjuction with the 111th Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KKCCCI) Anniversary Celebrations

雷遠生: 庇商會秉優良傳統使命探索多元發展服務大眾
Datuk Michael Lui Yen Sang: The Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KKCCCI)
adheres to its fine traditional mission to explore diversified development and serve the public
「我們必須更努力推動會務革新,結合前輩先賢的寶貴經驗和創新思維,進一步提升亞庇中華工商總會品牌實力和影響力,為促進會務及工商經濟發展作出更大承擔。」拿督雷遠生是於今早在亞庇中學香莢蘭園地推介儀式上,致詞時這麼表示。他說,亞庇中學經歷了70多年的滄桑茁壯發展,今天無論是硬體建設、學生人數、課外活動及學術成績各方面,在全國改制國中之間都處於頂尖。「今天的亞庇中學是卓越學校,是亞庇華社的驕傲!之所以能取得如此輝煌的成就,主要歸功於全體董事、校友、老師、家長、學生及所有熱愛庇中的人士,在過去70多年的時間裡都一直和亞庇中學在一起,陪伴著庇中,永遠與庇中同行。」回憶庇中的創辦過程,他表示1949年亞庇一群社會賢達鑑於華小生畢業後,沒有就地繼續上中學的機會,遂合力發起創立,定名「亞庇中學」,1950年改名為「北婆羅洲華僑中學」,並於1960恢復以「亞庇中學」正名。 1952年在丹容亞路跑馬場對面,自置面積6.23英畝校地,1971年董事會決定接受政府津貼,由私立轉為國民型改制華文中學。1982年,亞庇中學最高權力贊助人大會決議,將校政交亞庇中華工商總會接管,之後亞庇中學校政委員會,是由亞庇中華工商總會、亞庇華人同鄉會館聯合會,及亞庇中學校友會所組成。1984年當時校政主席已故拿督斯里邦裡瑪陳友仁局紳永久名譽會長,以五令吉頭期錢購置捐贈,讓學校可以遷入坐落在兵南邦三英哩半,佔地十八英畝的新校園。而林克光先生也從1998年接任亞庇中學董事長迄今。「這些都是亞庇中學重要的發展軌蹟的真實記錄史,打從學校建立、發展和變遷過程的資料,也是我們庇中校園文化建設的重要內容,具有『留史、校政、育人』的重要作用。」對於在學校設立香莢蘭園地,他表示主要宗旨是希望在課餘時,提供一個平台給學生種植水果、管理果園,甚至經營水果買賣,出售給家長和大眾,以讓學生在課餘時多一個可以提升自己的機會,瞭解基本的經濟活動。董事會同時計劃在果樹長大後,在週末公開開放給民眾,尤其是旅客協助促銷亞庇,允許團體遊客到訪學校,讓同學們帶領參觀果園,並同時觀賞同學們呈獻舞蹈文化表演,提升同學們對旅遊業的認知和參與,為將來加入旅遊行業打下基礎。「希望全體庇中人繼續攜手同心,再接再厲、勇攀高峰,以昂揚的姿態,再創新的輝煌!取得更長足的進步和跨越式的發展。讓我們再度以無限的熱忱、勇氣和信心,為亞庇中學新一輪發展貢獻力量,實現偉大的夢想與理想,群策群力的積極符合時代需求,全力辦好亞庇中學!讓我們繼續進步再進步,壯大再壯大,超越再超越!開發和開創出各種可行和有效能的教育途徑發揮亞庇中學本身辦學的優勢與特色。」今日一同在場的,還包括:亞庇中學董事長林克光及學校董事、特別嘉賓首席部長署政治秘書拿督謝銘聖醫生、亞庇中華工商總會監事長郭英健、署理會長拿督鄭成星局紳、文教副會長方德康、拿督徐志成主任、陳觀梅副主任、副會長及理監事,以及庇中黃碧麗校長等。
Datuk Michael Lui Yen Sang, the president of Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KKCCCI), said that “the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry is undergoing major changes that have never been experienced and seen in a century, and will continue to uphold the good qualities of the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry mission for more than 100 years. The traditional mission is to serve the business community and the Chinese community, keep pace with the times and innovate continuously. In the post-epidemic era and the new political and economic situation, we will respond to various challenges, explore new opportunities for diversified development, and actively integrate into the overall situation of national development.”
"We must work harder to promote the innovation of conference affairs, combine the valuable experience and innovative thinking of our predecessors, further enhance the brand value and influence of the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and make greater commitments to promote the development of conference affairs and the industrial and commercial economy." Datuk Michael Lui Yen Sang said in his speech during the launching ceremony of the Kota Kinabalu High School Vanilla Farm this morning.
He said that Kota Kinabalu High School has experienced more than 70 years of vicissitudes and significant development. Today, in terms of facilities, number of students, extracurricular activities and academic performance, it is at the top rannks among the secondary schools in the country. "The Kota Kinabalu High School in today’s world is an excellent school and it is definitely the pride of the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Community! The reason for such brilliant achievements is mainly due to all the board of governors, alumni, teachers, parents, students and all those who love Kota Kinabalu High School in the past, who have always supported and been with Kota Kinabalu High School for more than 70 years.
Regarding the establishment of the Vanilla Farm in the school, he said that the main purpose is to provide a platform and environment for students to learn how to grow fruits, manage orchards, and even sell the fruits to parents and the public in their spare time. This allows the students to have more career opportunities and learn about basic economic activities. At the same time, the Kota Kinabalu High School Board of Governors plans to open it to the public especially the tourists during the weekends after the fruit trees and plants have all grown up to help promote Kota Kinabalu and the school. They also in tend to invite the tourists to visit the school with students leading the tour, and presenting cultural dance performances at the same time for the tourists. They will enhance the students’ awareness and participation in the tourism industry in the future. “ I hope that everyone in Kota Kinabalu High School will continue to work together, achieve greater heights and create new glories with a high-spirited attitude.
Those who were present today also included: Chairman of Kota Kinabalu High School Board of Governors, Mr. Lim Kiat Kong, and the members of Kota Kinabalu High School Board of Governors , hounorable guests, Political Secretary of the Chief Minister's Office, Datuk Dr. Roland Chia, Supervision Chairman of Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry , Mr. Kuo Yin Jan, Deputy President of Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Datuk Chang Chin Shin JP, Vice President of Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Fong Tet Kong, Chairman of Culture and Education Committee, Datuk Chee Chi Seng and Vice Chairman of Culture and Education Committee, Ms. Chan Koon Moy.

林克光:庇中設香莢蘭園地果園 打造迷你休閒農場
Mr. Lim Kiat Kong: Kota Kinabalu High School set up a Vanilla Farm to Build a Mini Leisure Farm
「我要特別感謝今天的主賓,亞庇中華工商總會會長拿督雷遠生親臨,和貴賓們還有熱愛中的各界人士,共同見證這項配合亞庇中華工商總會慶祝111年會慶,別開生面的庇中香莢蘭園地推介儀式,也要趁此機會感謝拿督吳徵財提供專業指導及贊助本園,也特別感謝全心全力,負責構思、鞭策和施工等開發這個項目的主導人物包望僑董事,他們絞盡腦汁、無私的付出和奉獻,為亞庇中學開創了這個不一樣的新天地,功德無量,我們會銘記於心。」林克光也代表亞中學,衷心祝福亞庇中華工商總會經營了111個不平凡且輝煌的歲月,感恩和借福當年於1982年先賢們經歷了無數的挑戰,還毅然將處於最低靡狀況的亞庇中學納入成為亞庇商會屬下學校,力挽狂瀾,進而負起立德樹人精神,堅決朝向重振雄風的大方向。雷 庇商會秉優良傳統使命 遠生:林克光:庇中設香莢蘭園地果園經歷了40年來不斷努力和在各方面進行逐步改革而邁進,大展宏圖,締造了今天輝煌的篇章,成就了亞庇中學成為區內設備齊全,及提供核心改制中學教育重要的平台,並於2008年受大馬教育部授予「卓越學校」榮譽。「全球經歷了兩年多對抗疫情的艱辛時刻,所幸亞庇中學的教學大體上未間斷,在非常時期改用線上授課,如今疫情逐步減緩,再度恢復實體教學,也強化了老師們在面對危機的應變能力。教育是推動國家發展的重要一環,老師則承擔著莫大使命,任勞任怨,無私的付出和執行神聖的任務,耐心的推動著教育巨輪,經營宏觀的教育事業,感謝老師們的努力和付出,亞庇中學方能發展至今天規模、理想的學府。」
Chairman of Kota Kinabalu High School, Mr. Lim Kiat Kong, said that Kota Kinabalu High School keeps pace with the times in order to meet the changing times and diversified teaching needs.
In addition, it also tried to change and change the teaching methods of various entities, including the establishment of the orchard and Vanilla Farm of Kota Kinabalu High School, so that the vanilla farm will not only develop into a place for students to learn, but also become a new landmark of another mini leisure farm in Kota Kinabalu. In his speech at the launching ceremony of the Vanilla Farmthis morning, he said that in order to enhance and enrich the knowledge of the students, the orchard project of the green campus had been planned and promoted three years ago, and flowers and trees were planted in front of the campus. On the other side of the campus, a variety of local fruit crops are planted in order to beautify the environment, enhance environmental protection awareness, and cultivate students' interest in participating in agricultural learning, experience the overview of farming activities and understand the ecological process of plants. "In this era of internet and IT development and universalization, every industry has unlimited potential and opportunities. As long as you cultivate your interest, make the right choice, and persevere in everything, you will definitely gain and achieve results”. The purpose of education in secondary school is to let students discover their own strengths to lay the foundation for the future.
It is hoped that through this mini leisure farm in Kota Kinabalu High School, students will be inspired to have a strong interest in agriculture, and it will also lead them to acquire other additional knowledge in other sectors such as e-commerce, accounting, science, logistics management and the tourism industry. He said that the next plan is to make this orchard not only develop into a new environment and place for students to study, but also become a new landmark of the mini leisure farm in Kota Kinabalu. It is open to tourists who love nature and agriculture. They can check in and enjoy the green and pleasant environment, and leave a deep impression and good memory on the development of the green environment. “Let this project further inspire more people's awareness and interest in agriculture, explore development potential, and use more professional knowledge to develop more agriculture-based development projects in Sabah and make positive contributions to Sabah's economic development”, said Mr. Lim Kiat Kong in his speech.
"I would like to thank today's guest of honor, Datuk Michael Lui Yen Sang , the president of the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, for his presence today, together with the distinguished guests and people from all walks of life, to witness the launching ceremony of Vanilla Farm in conjunction with the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry's celebration of the 111th anniversary. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Datuk Stephen Ngok for providing professional guidance and sponsorship to establish the vanilla farm, and also especially thank Mr. Pao Ong Kiew, the leading figure who is responsible for the conception, promotion and construction of this project. They have selflessly contributed and dedicated their time and effort towards creating a new environment for Kota Kinabalu High School, where the merits and good deeds will be remembered in our hearts.” Lin Keguang also represented the Kota Kinabalu High School, and sincerely wished the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry for its acheivement over the 111 extraordinary and glorious years. In 1982, the founders experienced countless challenges, and resolutely included Kota Kinabalu High School, which was in the lowest state, as a school under the Kota Kinabalu Chamber of Commerce and industry. Besides that, they also turned the tide, and take up the spirit of cultivating people by virtue, and resolutely move towards the general direction of revitalizing the glory.
The farm and orchard in Kota Kinabalu High School had experienced 40 years of continuous efforts and gradual reforms in all aspects and has made great progress. Kota Kinabalu High School has become a well-equipped and important platform for core reformed high school education in the district, and was awarded the honor of "Cluster School of Excellence" by the Malaysian Ministry of Education in 2008. "The world has experienced more than two years of difficult times in the fight against the epidemic. Fortunately, the teaching of Kota Kinabalu High School has remained largely uninterrupted. During the extraordinary period, physical teaching has been switched to online teaching. Now that the epidemic has gradually slowed down and physical teaching has resumed, it has also enhanced the teachers’ abilities and resilience in handling crisis. Education is an important part of promoting the development of a country. Teachers undertake a great mission and bear great responsibilities in improving the education industry. Mr. Lim Kiat Kong also added that “thanks to the teachers for their efforts and hardwork, Kota Kinabalu High School can then develop into the ideal school of its scale today.”

Cake cutting ceremony with the honorable guests for the celebration of 111th anniversary of the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Datuk Michael Lui Yen Sang, Datuk Dr. Roland Chia, Mr. Lim Kiat Kong and other guests presided over the unveiling ceremony of the commemorative plaque for the Vanilla Farm of Kota Kinabalu High School.