庇中 1970 毕业校友 合捐 5.1 万充电子教学用途 

Class of 1970 Graduates Donated RM51,000 for School’s E-Learning Project

亚庇中学副董事长丹斯里林保障赞扬该校1970年高中毕业校友饮水思源、心系母校,合捐 51000令吉充作电子科技教学用,让学弟妹受惠。1970年毕业校友今天上午返回母校参,并与2名副董事长丹斯里林保障及拿督邱陶正、董事包里侨等交流。 该届校友当中包括了现任董事长林克光。 林保障表示,校友向来在在精神上与财力上都給予母校大力支持,让董事会无后顾之忧,把学校办得更出色。“1970年校友合捐51000令吉,协助推进母校的电子科技教学计划。” 同时,邱陶正指出迎合新时代的教学发展模式,中落实了电子科技教学计划他说。 若要在校内全面落实此计划,要庞大資金,包括提高学校网络设施,装备智能课室,购买智能投映机、智能电视机等相关电子器材。 “目前我们拥有了32年智能电视机,21部。 趁著校友回校,包望侨也帶領眾人参观疫情期间开发的庇中果园,让校友叹为观止。此外,该届校友黄清波当场宣布捐献部流动音响系统及电缆給庇中。

Vice Chairman of the Kota Kinabalu High School Board of Governors, Tan Sri Datuk Lim Pau Chang, praised the school’s Class of 1970 Graduates for giving back and contributing to their alma mater. They donated a total of RM51,000 for the development of e-learning facilities to benefit the students.

Alumni who graduated in 1970 returned to their alma mater this morning to visit and exchange views with two vice-chairmen of  Kota Kinabalu High School Board of Governors, Tan Sri Datuk Lim Pau Chang and Datuk Hiew Thien Choi, and member of Board of Governors, Mr. Pao Ong Kiew.

Among the alumni of this graduate batch are the current Chairman of the Kota Kinabalu High School Board of Governors, Mr Lim Kiat Kong. Tan Sri Datuk Lim Pau Chang said that alumni have always given strong support to their alma mater both spiritually and financially, so that the board of governors can develop and improve the school with less concerns and hurdles. The Class of 1970 Graduates donated a total of RM51,000 to help promote the online teaching and e-learning project of their alma mater. At the same time, Datuk Hiew Thien Choi pointed out that the teaching development model has implemented the online teaching and e-learning plan to cater to the new era today. To fully implement this plan at school, huge funds are needed including improving the school network facilities, equipping smart classrooms, and purchasing related electronic equipment such as smart projectors and smart TVs. He added that "At present, we have 32 units of smart TVs, and there are still 21 units left to be purchased”.

When the alumni returned to school, Mr Pao Ong Kiew also led them to visit the school orchard which was developed during the pandemic. Alumnus Mr. Wong Qing Bo also announced the donation of 2 mobile sound systems and cables to the school on the spot.