校园开辟种植  激发农务事业兴趣
Kota Kinabalu High School Campus Opens Up Agricultural Activities to Stimulate Students’ Interest in the Agricultural Industry

Datuk Lei Yuansheng (seventh from right), together with the Board of Governors of Kota Kinabalu High School, hosted the launching ceremony for the Orchard at the school.

本校校政委员会主席暨亚庇中华工商总会会长拿督 雷远生于2021531日亲临为庇中果园主持推介礼。拿督会长对果园建设表示赞许并建议校方鼓励老师与学生 参与校园劳作希望达到潜移默化的效果引导同学们提起对农务事业的兴趣从而将来进入农业发展的道路。

亚庇31日讯|亚庇中学董事长林克光表示,庇中采取实际行动开辟种植的主要目的,是希望达到潜移默化的效果,引导同学们提起对务事业的兴 趣,从而将来进入农业发展的道路。


「沙巴州俗称风下之乡,气候温和, 一年如一日;有足够的雨水,土地肥沃,适合种植各种类的水果。                                                                           

同时,为促进同学们对各类水果的了解和认识,中校园种植的蔬果种类,包括各品种榴槤、木瓜、百香果、 胡椒、红毛丹、牛油果、甘蔗、各品种 芒果、櫻桃、杨桃、山竹、荷兰榴槤、 番石榴、糖苹果、柚子、椰子、大树茨 夢、冷杀、香蕉、金瓜、辣椒、番茄、西班牙李子等等。  林克光今日在亚庇中学果园推介礼上致词时,这么说。

他披露, 学校亦在后园设立了一所庇中包哥苗圃,希望吸引一些同学种植各类蔬果苗和花苗,将来可以发售给家长和大众。

「为让同学们了解基本的经济活动,我们将在时机成熟时,在校园侧门 设立一个贩卖处,方便同学们在课余时间出售水果、蔬果苗和花苗。」       他续说·董事会同时计划在果树长大后,在周末允许团体遊客到访学校。让同学们带领参观果园及观赏同学们呈献的本地舞蹈。                     


再来,他们也期望绿化美化校园及 环保和种植蔬果,能进而带动学校的有关活动俱乐部的同学们,直接接触到农务、经济活动及旅遊业基础认知。


此外,他也感谢亚庇中华工商总会在它110年的辉煌旅途 中,将亚庇中学带入它的怀抱,并在它的带领下,让亚庇中学在最低迷的艰难时刻能够逐步起死回生,进而重振雄风,再造今天的辉煌成就!


On the 31st of May 2021, Datuk Lei Yuansheng, Chairman of the Administration Committee of Kota Kinabalu High School school and President of the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, presided over the launching ceremony for the orchard at Kota Kinabalu High School. President Datuk praised the construction of the orchard and suggested that the school should encourage teachers and students to participate in campus activities, hoping to achieve a subtle effect and guide the students to stimulate their interest in agricultural business and venture into the agriculture industry in the future.

The Chairman of Kota Kinabalu High School Board of Governors, Mr. Lim Kiat Kong, said that the main purpose of taking practical actions to develop the agricultural activities at the school is to achieve a subtle effect and guide students to raise their interest in the agricultural industry and business, and prepare them to venture into agricultural development in the future.

He said that the Board of Directors planted trees and flowers in front of the school, and a large number of various fruits were planted at the back garden, which do only beautify the environment, but also achieve the purpose of environmental protection.

"Sabah is commonly known as the land under the wind, with a mild climate and a year-round climate; there is a lot of rain and fertile land, which is suitable for growing all kinds of fruits.

“At the same time, in order to increase the students' awareness and understanding of various types of agricultural products, different types of vegetables and fruits are grown on the campus which include durian, papaya, passion fruit, pepper, rambutan, avocado, sugar cane, mango, cherry, star fruit , mangosteen, Dutch durian, guava, apple,  grapefruit, coconut, langsat, jackfruit, banana, pumpkin, chili, tomato, Spanish pear and many more”, said Mr. Lim Kiat Kong during the school orchard launch ceremony today.

He disclosed that the school has also set up a sheltered nursery at the backyard, hoping to attract students to plant various fruits and vegetable seedlings and flower seedlings, which can be sold to the parents and the public in the future. 

Furthermore, they also hope that the greening and beautifying of the campus, environmental protection and planting of fruits and vegetables at the school orchard can further increase the students’ interests and drive the school’s related club and extra-curricular activities. For example, the students can plant the fruits, vegetables and flowers, and sell them to visitors or public. They can also practise in leading a tour around the orchard and introducing the agricultural products to the visitors. These can help to enhance the students' awareness, interest and participation in the agriculture and tourism industry in the future. 

Mr. Lim Kiat Kong also praised the member of Board of Govenors, Mr. Pao Ong Kiew, who was responsible for and led the planting of trees, flowers and fruits in the school orchard. Therefore, he is the biggest contributor to the orchard development project.